Our History

Slovak Village is a private non-profit housing corporation that was formed in 1994 to provide affordable housing to residents of Brantford and Brant County. There are 150 apartments (1, 2 & 3 bedrooms) in the building. Some units are handi-capped accessible units.

Slovak Village is governed by a nine-member board of directors who meet 5 – 6 times a year to approve contracts, board policies, spending priorities and discuss other issues related to the non-profit.

Slovak Village is funded through rents paid by residents and government grants to pay its operational expenses. It is therefore important that residents pay their rent on time.

Slovak Village is owned by Slovak Village Non-Profit Housing Inc. and NOT by the City of Brantford.

Mission Statement

Slovak Village Non Profit Housing provides affordable, accessible, and safe housing and appropriate supports to residents to encourage their full participation in the Slovak Village community.


Building on the tradition of the Slovak heritage, Slovak Village Non Profit Housing embraces the following values:

Promoting Safe and Secure Homes

We create a safe and engaging space where residents feel a sense of home, belonging and connection.


We promote the wellbeing, health and vitality of our residents in an inclusive and caring manner.

Family First

We value the power of family knowing that it takes a village to raise a child.

A Community-Focused Approach

We respond to the collective needs of our residents in a focused, proactive and respectful way by embracing a diversity of people, perspectives, experiences and approaches.


We partner with others to leverage resources, services, and opportunities to enhance resident quality of life and facilitate increased community engagement.


Crime-Free Housing

Slovak Village takes its responsibilities to provide a safe environment for all residents very serious. Staff will take action to terminate the tenancy of any resident (or resident’s guest) who is involved in an illegal act.

If you see or suspect anyone engaging in illegal activity, please call Brantford Police Services at (519) 756-7050 or Crime Stoppers at (519) 750-8477.

Staff will take steps to terminate a tenancy for the following acts:

  • Tampering with fire alarm systems (detectors, bells, pull stations)
  • Disconnecting door closers
  • Drug related activity
  • Assault, threatened assault or any other activity that threatens the health, safety or welfare of the residents or the landlord on the premises

Code of Conduct of Staff

All staff are to ensure high standards of service and conduct. Staff may not:

  • Accept tips, money or gifts from residents at any time
  • Sell items or services to residents
  • Buy or take property or belongings from residents, their families or their estates and use it for personal gain
  • Accept payment for services during or after work hours
  • Borrow money or items from residents
  • Come to work in an unfit condition due to alcohol or drug use
  • Verbally or physically abuse residents, guests, staff members, service agency representatives or anyone else in the work place